Rain, Lightning & Thunder....

Right now in my place, there's a heavy downpour... thunderstorm and fierce strikes of lightning. Is it an indication that God is angry ? I always thought so. When I was small, I used to think that God must be so very angry for something that's been happening on earth. The rain would mean God is crying and the thunder is His loud outburst and each time the lightning strikes is that of His pen writing someone's last day on earth. I used to feel so terrified thinking of all this....then, I was told that was not the case at all ! A much more comforting story about rain, lightning and thunder was that God is bowling. Each time He strikes, that's the lightning and the thunder is the applause that He gets from his angels...and the rain ? That's a lil' sad. They all cry when God misses a strike...but I found this much more comforting than the other....lol...who wouldn't anyway? Umm...I'd better stop here before I get into trouble and I don't want my lappy either to be hit by a power surge ! ....lol

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