My Land..My Home...My Country...My Malaysia !

Malaysia, my country….this should have been my 1st blog entry as an Introductory but then its better late than never, huh ? So, here it is !

Malaysia - This is where I was born. Malaysia is my home. It may not be as great as some other countries that I have visited and impressed with, but as for now, I am satisfied living here. We have a bubbling, bustling melting pot of races and religions - this description can be found in our country’s tourism website… it’s a fact ! We are a mixture ! The Malays, Indians, Chinese and other ethnic groups form Malaysia - Multiracial with Multiculturalism thus we have multi colourful festivals. Places of interest are many and to get a good feel of the country, a month or slightly more should suffice, I think so…haha…honestly, despite being a Malaysian, I have not seen all of my country yet. Shame on me !

As for food, it’s awesome ! We have one too many. A gastronomical paradise ! And, coming to the people - Malaysians are warm and friendly. And, that includes me….lol…Believe me ! Anyways, before I continue bragging, be my guest to our link - You’ll find all that you need to know from A to Z.

How we're living peacefully in a multiracial country is a blessing thus far ! Yeah, we do live harmoniously – despite some shortcomings and hiccups here and there. So, if Malaysia is your next destination vacation – you’ve made the right choice….just because….yay ! I’m here… lol...

But be forewarned, you may or may not like our weather. We don’t have the 4 seasons :-( ... No winter, no spring, no summer or fall. It can be humid but of course some days they’re just simply beautiful. But I have to confess, I love the 4 seasons and I would gladly trade places for this...hmm....

So, having done the introduction, come and explore my land, my home, my country that I love, my Malaysia!

P/s: We've turned 54 on 31st August 2011. Check out the picture below - not an updated version though but its during our 50 years of  Independence in Y2007 - which gives you a brief description (important highlights) of what happened from 1957 and thereafter.

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