Monday as fast as Usain Bolt? How I wish ...

Sorry ! I've not blogged for awhile now. I keep telling myself I must write daily but that does not seem to be working. This is my first for September. Well, I guess I only think of blogging when I am in my useless state! Yeah, Mondays' my bad days especially today. It can be rather depressing when you try and try with all your might to get rid of the Monday blues but fail ! Haha, that's exactly me today. I have been a total flop at work. Procastination seems to run high today. Trying to jump-start the day with coffee and it's my 4th cup now. Nothing seems to surprise me out of this feeling...Lol ! Gawwd ! I would never wish for another Monday like this and I wish today was as fast as Usain Bolt...Lol !

How's your day going? I hope nothing similar to mine :)
