It's December already !!!

Goodness gracious me !! It's December already. And with the blink of an eye, 2012 is going to march in ! I do hope that it will be a good year...for all of us ! I am going to go with the flow, just like this year. No resolutions, no expectations, no nothings ! but yeah ! lots and lots of

Has 2011 been treating you good ? Mine has been good, mostly...thank God ! So, what am I thankful's me with my "thank you note" (like a winner in the awards bear with me? );

Firstly, I am thankful to God for blessing my family with an addition - yay ! that's my lil' prince charming, my sister's new-born. Dheeran has brought sunshine into my life which was at one time dull and painful. Thank you my chellakuttie, my lovey-dovey cutie-pie, my hearthrob, my sweetest of

Secondly, I am thankful for the many friends whom I have made along the way, from North, South, East and to speak ! Friends mean a lot to me and above all when they become a true friend, my buddy,  one who can listen to all my rantings, one who will come to my aid when I need's truly a blessing to have such a friend....Thank you, my good God ! You've made my days seem brighter by leading me to the path where beautiful people are - Your creation - they actually do exist !!... :-)

Then, I am thankful for the vacations I had - to Seattle in June/July (which I will blog later on), family vacation to Kuching in May and the recent trip to India ! Thank-you God ! You've got us to India and brought us back home - safe and sound !

I should not also forget about my blog - this gave me the chance to say what I want to say..that in my mind and in my heart. This is a nice place to vent out frustrations you, my dear God ! You've created so many avenues and I promise to use them wisely..:-)

Whilst the good times came in abundance, I did have to overcome some bad days too. That's all part of life. An eye-opener for me in terms of health and wealth. well it rhymes. Yup, I was not too well in the early part of the year but managed to pick up and float thru' ; Wealth wise - my career ! - Not so stable but I should thank God that till today, I am surviving ! I am a survivor - ...actually not ! the credit should go to my boss - he is keeping us afloat and I like the way he keeps saying " aahhh...we're almost there - we'll get to see the light at the end of the tunnel soon !" lol.....He is a great man - my boss ! I salute you, sir .... lol ....

Okay, then...this being my first blog entry in December 2011 - wishing you all a very happy month - remember, if you've made resolutions this year, you've got exactly 29 days more to accomplish ! Go for it ! You can make it !....Till then, love and cheerio ! Will write again soon....


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